Sunday, December 6, 2009

Should I worry something more has gone on?

I have been dating my bf for almost 2 years now. We're in an LDR, he's 5000 miles away (he's military) there have been times it's been rocky, but he says he's never cheated on me. He had a myspace page and there were girls on it i didnt know from home and from where he is now. There is one girl he's been friends with all his life, A. I never considered A an issue, she was engaged when we met, i never met her, but she'd drop him off at my house, one time i called her phone (he told me to) when they were out. Well on myspace she'd leave messages like, i love you, miss you, etc. It bugged me. He said, they are just friends, known each other since they were babies. I flew out to see him a month ago. A week ago on his myspace she called me a psycho stalker ***** and said i flew a long way to get laid. I was livid. I told him about it, he doesnt know y she'd say that. Myspace has caused us issues, so shortly after that he deleted the thing. I dont know if i should believe him?

Should I worry something more has gone on?

well, I wish I could give you better advice, but maybe you should move on. When I was in the military, I only witnessed a few who didn't cheat, and we weren't even over seas! i would say if your not committed by marriage, maybe take a break from the relationship until he comes home. best wishes!

Should I worry something more has gone on?

haven't you asked this same question like 3 times before? unless u a different person who has the same issue as those other people.. tell him to set her straight and stand up for you!! a guys female friends should respect you!

Should I worry something more has gone on?

the internet and myspace has ruined several relationships and families. its sick.

Should I worry something more has gone on?

i have friends of the opposite sex that i have known for a long time and i do not publicly tell them that i love them. and the fact that she is personally and publicly attacking you makes it seem like there is more going on. it's obvious that you and the friend are not going to get along, so i'm make him make a decision.

Should I worry something more has gone on?

hey baby , there are 2 answers

either you are worrying too much or you deserve someone better

any way, best luck for future


Should I worry something more has gone on?

You have not told YA, why you don't trust him. He has not done anything to cause that, and did the right thing by getting rid of the whole thing. Mistrust is heavy miss lady. Think what HE did to deserve that!!

Should I worry something more has gone on?

yes believe him. if he deleted it, then he cares alot about you. you should be proud. her on the other hand, probably has a crush on him, most times you cant be best friends guy and girl without one liking the other. in your case, she likes him, he doesnt like her. dont worry too much, incase they start hanging out ALOT

Should I worry something more has gone on?

First, if you could find out the truth, of how he feels about the women on his page, or even from them their true thoughts and/or feelings about him, then you might not have to worry. Myspace isn't entirely safe, but the safety problem isn't just concerning possible stalkers, but forgery, too. I think you should be a little worried, and encourage him to cancel If you're not sure he deleted his myspace page, I suggest you try to access it (you would need to know his email address and password) and if you can't, then either he told the truth, you typped the wrong password, or misspelled it.

Should I worry something more has gone on?

If she is saying things about you, he needs to defend you. If it continues, he needs to drop her completely. He is in a relationship with you and that is something that has responsibility attached to it. She needs to get a life and stop stalking him. The statement she made, makes me think he may have been talking about you negatively though. I don't think an old friend would feel comfortable saying something about someone's girlfriend unless they had done it before without punishment. Also, just because he deleted his myspace doesn't mean he can't stay in contact with her. Good luck!

Should I worry something more has gone on?

You have to wonder what he's saying to his "so-called good friend" if she thinks you're a psycho stalker. He might be telling her that he's been trying to breakup with you but you are the one that keeps chasing him. Not saying any of that's true...

Should I worry something more has gone on?

baby im so sorry that you have to feel the burn of n ot knowing and that is a very nasty feeling. but always go with what you can see, and never with what you may think because you may think something that is pure insecurity!!! and when you have a situation like that its cuased by irrational feelings.

if you feel that you are being manipulated and that the evidence clearly says that you are being mistreated then you probably are being used and abused. but for the future learn to say NO meaning if you feel aguy is playing with your heart stop the relationship then becase it will only get worse and never leave an opportunity tya they can come back into your life with out some work.

if he has to many girls and he is makeing you think that he is seeing other pepple then you need to tell him at least 2 times that this is happening and you want something done about it and as bad as it may seem you will have to leave him alone if he dosen not repsect yopu because then you will be his door matt

Should I worry something more has gone on?

That is something you have to decide for yourself. But honestly why would she say that about you if she didn't have feelings for him or if there was nothing going on between them?? It sounds to me like you need to let this guy go and try dating others not long distance. Also I don't think another girl should be telling your guy that she loves him. If this is going on over the internet what do you think is happening in his day to day life..?

Should I worry something more has gone on?

go with your gut he is cheating on you i bet you on this one

Should I worry something more has gone on?

from a guy in a relationship w/ female friends i've had since i was young, i can at least tell you that you shouldn't need to worry about the i love you's and miss you's etc. sure, it doesn't make my girlfriend too happy, but they are just friends. however, if she's starting to insult you, HE needs to be the one to confront HER and defend you. you're his girl, i know if any of my female friends insulted my girl, i'd have wrds to say to them.

Should I worry something more has gone on?

well you have 2 him or dump him.

Should I worry something more has gone on?

If you've been with him two years and he's allowing this sort of disrespect to go on then you probably should have left him long ago. My boyfriend makes sure that I know each of his female friends and they know me. They will never disrespect me because he will not allow it and vice versa. I never knew what it was to have a totally open and honest relationship before meeting him. My past boyfriend had "just friends" that I was never informed of. When we broke up he started dating one of them. Find someone that deserves you sweetie!

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