Sunday, December 6, 2009

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

Okay i was with my ex for two years and three months we were so happy but than I made a mistake and was flirting with girls on a myspace page. She flew to florida over the summer and thats when she found out. She was staying with her sister and freaked out of course we broke up but than a couple days later we got back together. Than one day we were talking and it came up and she broke up with me again. So I kept trying to get back with her for about seven days than she told me that she was with somebody else. It killed me because during the 7 days I sent her roses and a diamond necklace than it was a stab when she told me they had sex I was like how do u do that after 2 yrs and 3 months jus so easy. But than time went by I had to live my life so I ended up seeing another girl and we had sex blah blah we weren't together. my ex now wants me back saying she loves me but i wanna kno y is it becuz he didn't work out or what and she had the nerve to get mad becuz i had sex wit her plz help

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

Okay it could be that things didn't work out with the other guy or she really wants you back. You have to realize that you opened the flirting door she just happened to walk in. But you have to answer yourself some questions. Do i really want her back and if so am i willing to forgive her as well as myself for the pain that I've caused in the relationship-and leave it in the past. You have to make sure that she is willing to do the same. If so you are on your way to a new-begging in your relationship. Do i hear wedding bells?

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

She probably just wants to get back with you because she realized that she was happy with you...she got a little jealous but that is okay...girls do that...if you want to get back with her do it...but if you dont then dont..

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

She might still have feelings for you cause like you said you2 went out for 2yrs and 3 months she can still have feeling for you i would say if you don't have a gf then try it again and if it don't work out then just move on.

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

i would forget about her. she is way too fickle.

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

i think she had already cheated on u and she already had that guy waiting for her to dump soon as she found out ur mistake she left....tried to make it like its ur the other guy dumped her she realized u r a great guy and wants u back...Listen Hun shes the type of girl that would always make u feel guilty even though she did it 1st ...i say stay without her and try to move on...if after 2 yrs together and she didnt care enough abt u if she did she wouldnve slept w some1 after 7 days come on...lets be real hear....true love does not die in 7 days...

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

ether move on with your life or talk to her and both forgive each other and don't bring it up ever again .good luck

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

well...first of all, you flirted first, so you sort of opened the can of worms there. so she broke up with you and then you guys started the yo-yo effect...she being part in love and part in hate with you cause of what you did...she had sex with this other dude, either hoping that it might lead her to move on, or as a way to seek somekind of revenge.

you merely tried moving on, and well your gonna be in other relationships and have sex with new people...she cant be mad at you for that.

if i might give you a lil piece of advice, since you were flirting in the first place, maybe in your heart you dont truely love this girl, or she wasnt making you totally happy...and the fact that she had sex with someone else while you guys were in a "fixing mode" i think its juts best you dont get back together with her...there is just too much baggage going back into it.

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

You need to sever all ties with your ex-girlfriend. She is far too wishy washy. I wouldn't put up with that!!!

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

Most people get to know someone more than a week before they sleep with them. If she could jump right into the sack that quickly, do you really want to be with her. I know you have a past, but it's just that.. a past. You can't go back, only forward. Maybe you are just a rebound to her. Not sure why she got mad at you for having sex with someone when she did the same thing!!

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

why were you flirting with some girls on a myspace page if you loved your gf so much is the question id be obviously either flirted with them so many times and had blatantly sexy chats with them or shes just a psycho jealous ******....personally i think its rude to sit there and flirt with someone else while in a serious relationship

that or im just an old fashioned ninny

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

Now that Both of you have taken your Stress off another person its time for you two to sit down and talk and except what has been done, there is nothing you can do except what happen and move forward, if you both love each other then work on your trust. Because when there is Love there is Hurt they both come with each other no matter what, But before you take each other back sit down and talk about why and what made you two act they way you did....and don't let the past break you up, or fight have to let go of the past to move forward to a better relationship but before that you must talk about it first..........

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

OMG this is so ME!!! All I have to say is: Don't waste your time with her: I mean what's broken leave it broken. Honestly if you try again and get into an argument, you or her may bring old things back and again on the break up issue. This is just me; i mean you can give it a shot, your feelings are on the line, I can relate to this and honestly I tried to get back with him and he kept me on a I love you and we need to talk and when I finally went to talk to him about it and he knew why I went there, he was seeing someone else and didn't tell me until i was there. so I guess some people are just plain assholes: I would say start something new with someone else...

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

sometime people make mistake

but if i was u

and if u have feelings for her

observe and take it slow

dont make ur self too available

i did the mistake of makin my self tooo available and i was taken for granted

What should I do with my ex girlfriend please help?

i think that yall shouldnt get back together.because if was me after 2 years i wouldnt be able to meet a guy and have sex just after a week.

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