Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it too dramatic?

I posted a question last week or the week before asking what I should do about my boyfriend being friends on MySpace w/ a girl he used to sleep with. To specify - he was seeing her before we got back together but when we were still sleeping together. We dated for 4 years and seperated a year and a half ago. We just got back together a month ago. In that year %26amp; a half that we were seperated we still slept together and hung out but weren't officially together. He just met this girl earlier this year and only was w/ her for 3 months but supposively told her he loved her and all this other stuff...

He thinks that me being mad at him for adding her as a friend off and on is too dramatic and that I shouldn't worry about it. She also says they are just friends. If that's so - then why do they keep deleting and adding each other?

Is this really grounds to leave him? I'm confused. Besides this one problem everything is going really good with him.

Is it too dramatic?

id try to stick it out, give him the benefit of the doubt. but if youre too stressed over it then leave him. just keep your gaurd up, but dont obessess over it.

Is it too dramatic?

That's silly... she's a part of his life and you need to deal with that. It's not like he's sleeping with her now. She's just a friend. You don't get to determine who someone else is friends with...

Is it too dramatic?

If everything else is going great, and he's not cheating on you, then leave it alone. I'm friends with my ex, but that's all there is to it.

Is it too dramatic?

you don't sleep with your friends...

she was more than a friend at one its prolly a bad idea...

Is it too dramatic?

find one of us "2%" and get a Man, not a boy...

Is it too dramatic?

I can see i would get mad if someone did that to me. But really you shouldnt worry about it. Add her and try to maybe be sorta friends with her. If you know her better then you will trust him better.

Is it too dramatic?

Idk, but i know myspace is one big drama fest!! ive seen friends relationships get ruin over myspace!!!

Is it too dramatic?

Hi Nicole,

It sounds like you both enjoy your freedom. In being able to spend time together, get intimate, but not be labeled as a couple.

Is it possible this girl he dated used control tactics on him? For example : dated him but did not sleep with him. Ignored his calls, or was distant, to draw him closer to her? These are effective tools and are probably what drove him to tell her he loved her and the flip-flop friends/not friends on MySpace.

Maybe he feels comfortable with you and takes you for granted because your situation has always been there for him to count on. With that, his interest is piqued by other women and he feels challenged to chase this one.

I have no business giving you advice. This is just my take, based on what you have said.

good luck ~

Is it too dramatic?

i dont think that it is grounds to leave him but u need to explain that ur jealouse and u dont want hime to talk to her because u dont think its right then if that doesent work then take further actions if he wont stop talking to her there has to be a reason do some research and find out why

Is it too dramatic?

no i added my crushes girlfriend well ex-gf... but he added someone he thought I liked. soo... yeah

Is it too dramatic?

Well. Let's see. You are worried enough to ask the question. You are worried enough to put it up twice? My, sounds to me like you just want some good old "agreement". Someone to say YES YOU ARE RIGHT. RIP HIS MANHOOD TO SHREDS. Dear. You know the answer. You know what you need to do. Question is are you willing to suffer the consequences. To be blunt, there are more fish in the sea, this little guppy ain't gonna make it anyway.

Is it too dramatic?

Due to the off again on again nature of this relationship, I would say that you are casual and not mutual marriage material. The pattern of we're together...we're broke up ...means to tell me that you guys cannot resolve conflict by doing anything more than separating. Is this the way you want to live your life?

Or do you want to find someone who will grow and mature and find better ways of conflict resolution...That wants to be with you and only you? That you never have to worry about who he is firends with becuase you trust him to make positive life affriming choices?

I know that this sounds trite....But really What do you want for your future.

I would never ever put up with this kind of I love you today not tommorrow maybe next tuesady type treatment. Notice I didn't even comment on the "should he be allowed to be friends with so and so" because I do not think it is the real issue.

They keep deleting and adding each other because of the aforementioned pattern of I love you I hate you...Good for soap ratings...NOT GOOD for everyday life!!!

Is it too dramatic?

if something really bothers you ...and ur bf doesnt think that its that much of a deal..then it will cause conflict and eventually lead you to have trust issues dealing with him... so...if he doesnt take into consideration ur feelings then thats ground for breaking up..beside them ex's are only there to cause conflict eventually...i wouldnt be friends with my ex..there ex for a reason... many may tell you ur being insecure..but i've been there and i know the end result...its not listen to your gut/heart it never steers you wrong...if he loves you he will comply..if he doesnt kick his a** to the curb

Is it too dramatic?

yes you are being dramatic. things are fine with you both..they are just friends..get over it.

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