Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it true that guys dont realize what they have until its gone?

i ask cause me and my bf broke up 3 weeks ago and he used to never get on myspace. since we broke up he has been getting on myspace almost every day and will message me to talk. one conversation we had was about our breakup. i broke up with him cause he was being a jerk one night. i asked him if he was acting that way because his feelings for me had changed and he said "definitely not."

now im wondering if he is trying to keep communicating with me because he realizes what he lost? since we broke up, he has dated 2 other girls, but he wont quit messaging me just to talk. he always said im the only girl he has ever loved. we broke up once before for 1 month and he told me later that the whole time he was still in love with me, although he dated other girls.


what do you think....does he still love me and miss me?

could there be any other reason for the interest in keeping communication going between us?

Is it true that guys dont realize what they have until its gone?

No. I realize what I have...I KNOW I'm damn lucky...and I KNOW I'd be an absolute fool to ever lose her!

Is it true that guys dont realize what they have until its gone?

There was a bond formed between the two of you ... so of course he misses you! He doesn't have that with those two other girls he went out with. I'm sure he misses how it use to be. Maybe you should give him another chance or just quit talking to him all together so you can move on! Sometimes it's way too complicated to be just friends!

Is it true that guys dont realize what they have until its gone?

I have to agree that we don;t miss it until it's gone

Is it true that guys dont realize what they have until its gone?

You seem to let him have his cake and eat it too. I know I wanted other women but I always had one I like most and wanted to keep, so I would string her along (on and off); when I got bored with her go to another girl, but go back to her eventually.

You need to either break it off fully or slap him around and make things exclusive.

And really we just want what we don't have.

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