Sunday, December 6, 2009

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

This guy i knew but didn't really know, me out of nowhere and was like whos this? and i said well you kinda me.

And he was all like this is Dion, and showed me his myspace and i said i know you, and i sent him my myspace cause he said he wanted to see who i was of course i already told him what my name was.

Well i was asking him well how'd you get my screen name? and he said i honestly have no idea (which how doesn't he know?) Anyway he said yeah your that freaky flirty girl, and i said lol what? and i said what does that even mean? and he said "your that freaky girl that loves to **** lol" and i was like, excuse me? im a virgin. and he signed off, and now im worried cause when i went to school i knew people that didnt really like me and idk I just dont want any drama in my life anymore, what do you think is the worst that can happen?

I really dont wanna think about it, but rele i just dont want no one on my case =/ should i just calm down and not worry about a thing?

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

yeah you should just forget it and act like he never wrote you.

i take it ur an 8th grader? there will always be drama in your life. Just dont let people get to you.

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

you lost me, said a lot of nothing

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

I'd be more worried about getting into college after reading that mindless diatribe. I suggest you spend less time IMing folks and more time cracking the books.

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

if anyones asks you about it tell them the truth if they blow you off and say that you lying then screw them if they dont want to believe the truth then thats there own dang problem. same thing happened to one of my friends and it was over with in about a week or less. so dont worry

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

Just brush it off. If people talk shi* then that is their problem. You know you're a virgin, you know you aren't what they might think you are. Only what you know is what matters. Ignore them and you will be fine. You're friends will be there for you.

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

That guy sounds like a dipsh-it. I wouldn't worry about it.

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

well you are a virgin and if people think otherwise, then they will eventually learn if not, then too bad, you know and that is what is important, for all you know he confused you with someone else or maybe someone that doesn't like you asked him to do that, you never know

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

i woudnt worry forget it probably he was someone playing around dont be worried and if anything ignore or use the words what? Who? what are you talking about? deny deny deny

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

i wouldnt worry about it. people are going to say what they want and believe what they want. dont try to defend yourself or let them see it bothers you if he does say something. its not worth it. you will have drama until you get out of school. just feel sorry for people like that and pray for them. they obviously have no life if theyre so concerned about yours. ive been out of school for 3 years now, and all the stress i put myself through was not worth it. the rumours no longer matter. and all those people are now just druggies who are knocked up still living with their parents. so dont let any of it bother you.

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

Well, he IM'd you. And from what you post here, you didn't say anything much about yourself, or do anything.

So I would say do not worry about it. People often say rude things (especially boys and especially online) just to see how others will react. So don't talk to him and just do whatever you usually do.

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

I wouldn't worry about it. For one, this guy could just be bugging you..I mean..we know how guys can be this days. If he has heard something, a rumour for example, try and let it slide - the people that started it dont matter in your life and they'd want to see you torne up about it - so prove them wrong. Maybe bring it up with your friends and see if they've heard anything - otherwise, just relax :).

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

It may not have been him. It could have been another boy or girl pretending to be him. Don't worry about any repercussions because you didn't do anything wrong. This person contacted you and you did the right thing by ending the conversation and blocking them. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

I would suggest talking to "Dion", and telling him that someone claiming to be him contacted you on line. If it wasn't him he will tell you. If it was him, he will know you were confident enough to confront him and have noting to hide, and he will leave you alone.

Should I be worried? I dont get it, I dont want any drama!...?

It sounds like he's a troll or just trolling for something. He might be a child molester or something. Anyways, what he did was offensive to you and has you worried about your own safety and security. I'd report him on both the IM site and MySpace and let him explain it to them.

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