Friday, December 25, 2009

Relationship Issues?

Well I didnt know what too really call the question. Anyways im sure you have heard this many of times but answer it at least once more thanks.

Aight I love this girl, I went too school with her back in 6th grade she moved, she liked me back than as well. I met up with her becuase I knew her cousin from another town *total coincidence*.

Well she had a friend call me and tell me she liked me...7 days later we started dating. Now its been 1 year 4 months 20 days.. lol.

We have small arguements over the phone,we cant see each other a hole lot, She says I need too show that I love her more but I do thats whats funny. I care about me and her so much thats all I think about and i hope I dont do a single thing to **** us up. Im scared that shes gonna go play around with other guys cause of how far we live from each other... She still talks too a old friend that she dated and they kinda talk on *myspace*.. I feel like wemight not be together much longer.. I need help.

Relationship Issues?

You guys are way.. to far away from eachother. Then I think you should tell her front up that if she is gonna be playing around with other guys then maybe we shouldn't be together. If not, schedule vacation visits with eachother and make sure nothings going wrong. Good Luck!!

Relationship Issues?

spend most if your time phoning her to show tht u care

try to send her a gift with a card

whenever u phone her tell her you love her

if she keeps talkin to tht guy she could be wantin to et together wiv him but u shouldnt accuse of her of it

i stilll chat to my ex-gf to show her tht i still want me n her to be m8s

jus tryy to keep her busy on the phone

if u can try to go visit her

but do not accuse her of goin out wiv some other guy u can totally ruin ur realationship

Relationship Issues?

Send her some flowers....

Don't make a habit of being jealous or suspicious....a girl seeing other guys is not something you can prevent by worrying about it, just give her hte benefit of the doubt and focus on really knowing her.

Have a realistic heart to heart.....where is this going? Is it really possible for us to grow in our relationship at such a long distance? Should we see other people? Should we break up or just have limits? etc.

Relationship Issues?

She shouldn't be chatting it up with other guys, maybe it is she who should be showing you how much she cares for you and the relationship the two of you share. I do hope the little girl isn't asking you to buy her things to show your feelings for her...if sh is, kick that little putan to the curb because you should not be expected to buy her affections.

Relationship Issues?

Chances are you wont be together much longer. When arguements start and distance is an issue unless she is a virgin or very self controlled she probably will want some sought of (physical) attention. Not to say that she will be doing anything with anyone else but she will crave somethig (a date, a hug, a telephone call) from someone closer that she can see and hold. Believe I have been through it, but unlike many girls I am very controlled but still I have urges to be near someone. I went to watch a movie over my x's house yesterday because I just needed that warmth next to me. My boyfriend is 4 1/2 hours a way and we have been dating for 2 years but I have known him forever (10 years) as just a friend. We started arguing around the time me and my x-boyfriend started talking on the phone. I was getting alot of attention from him and my boyfriend became annoying to me and he didnt even do anything.

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