Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm in a predicament. Why did this girl switch up?

okay... Theres this girl I met on myspace, We're both 18. I arrived at college late and I was defferred until the next semester because I missed a lot of class, therefore I had to go back home and wait until the next semester starts.

So this girl while I was at college was always telling me to call her and gave me her number like 6 times. But i didnt have a cell yet so I never called her and then I was deferred. I emailed her and told her then she said okay so I'll see you next semester.

Now she puts on her msn messenger "I'll always want to be with you kyle"

I dont know who this kyle guy is but she had the message when I first met her but she moved it after she gave me her number and now she put it back since I'm wont be in her area until next semester.

Why'd she do that? Should I just forget this chick and avoid a love triangle?

I'm in a predicament. Why did this girl switch up?

Probably. Maybe shes one of those girls who wont wait. She may cheat on you if u do end up together. Try to move on unless u really, REALLY truely like her

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