Sunday, December 6, 2009

Whats wrong with him!?

went out with a boy for four months and the first 2 months, he was so sweet.He told me he loved me and called me everyday and text me, write me sweet notes, and he told me that he loved me.Well after that everything just went downhill from there. He would still say he love me, but he wouldnt treat me right.He stopped hanging around me at school, wouldnt call as much, no sweets notes.He would do something new every week to piss me off.One week he had girl sit on his lap, and he was like its okay i dont like her and everyone sits on my lap, another week his ex kept calling him.Last week we broke up because i found out he kissed another girl while he was drunk.He had called me that night all drunk saying how much he loved me and how he didnt want to lose me and that i shouldnt believe anything i hear. His cousin kept telling me how it was true and he kept denying it.I was like maybe we should break up and he was like oh well.Then he called me back saying that we should cuz he found out

1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

1 hour ago

that it was true, since he was so drunk.Then we broke up and he told me he still loved me and how he wants to get back togther one day and i told him i loved him too.Then two days after that i heard the whole story from a good friend of mines.And how he was with that same girl again the next day!When i confronted him he just lied some more saying how he was drunk t.hat whole week and didnt know what was going on.I kept calling him a liar and he was saying all kind of stuff like how he wasnt the reason why he lied and that i was, makes no since.Then we started talking normally and he said he loved me again.And he kept calling me non stop one day because he wanted his birthday gift he thought i bought him.When i told him i didnt have it he never called again.He didnt call me in 3 days.He just ignored me at school.And i would see him talking to the girl he kissed.He later on admitted that he knew he kissed a girl, but didnt know who she was, hes such a liar.Sometimes i catch him staring

1 hour ago

at me.I dont know whats the deal with him.He called me earlier today.He's going around telling everyone that he broke up with me!When people would ask who broke up with who i would respond by telling them that we came to an agreement.I told one of his friends that i broke up with him.I dont know why he called me today.Maybe he's mad that i'm now saying how i broke up with him. Which is true.My new name on myspace is I love you is 8 letters long, so is bullshit.LOL.I hope that pissed him off

1 second ago

am i wrong for saying that i broke up with him?It actually was an agreement, we both wanted to break up, but im the one who brought it up first.What should i do?With him, im trying to forget i ever met him and ignore him, but he just gets to me.He was my first real boyfriend, i did love him for a time, but now i dont know what im feeling.

Whats wrong with him!?

no matter how crazy you feel inside, leave him alone. He is just not in a place to be committed to anyone right now and that is going to distract you from all the amazing things in your life even more than it already has.

Whats wrong with him!?

He's obviously young and is only out sowing his oats and learning from it. Belive it or not, there are other fish in the sea and you shouldn't wait around if he isn't interested in more than nibbling instead of being hooked.

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