2 years ago,I saw this girl..I was looking at her..She noticed me looking at her and she started looking at me too..Its was very intense...Whenever she'd look at me,I'll look but I'd also turn away..Whenever I'd look at her she'll look but she'd also turn away...She's the most prettiest person...I smiled at her once but she didn't smile back.. But When I was leaving,She waved and smiled(ALMOST GOING TO CRY)..cuz she knew that she'll never see me again...What does this mean????Please helpppppppp.Thank you..She constantly kept looking at me..I was looking at her too
I saw her photo today and started to cry...
Its been 2 years and I've not forgotten her......
I declare now, I will give my life for her. And if she fails to come to me, I know some part of me will surely die
Listen up,Venessa wherever you are,...I will always love you!
Btw,Im a girl too
She'll be my first and last love.I'll not love anyone else.
I just know her first name...I don't know her last. Ive tried finding her on Facebook %26amp; myspace but I cant find her cuz they're millions of Venessa's.
Its true love. Its not about phsical connection or anything
I love her for who she is.
No rude comments please.
I know,I'd rather find another girl
And there are plenty of girls who're wanting to date me..
But,I just love her...
Just her
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
How can you love her you don't know anything about her, she could be an axe murderer for all you know, you caught a glimpse of a pretty girl two years ago and your willing to give your life for her? O MY GOD!!!
You are joking aren't you,
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
If it is meant to be, it will be. Be patient. In time you may find each other again, and when you do, whatever happens, happens. But try not to put all your eggs in one basket so to speak. There are other fish in the sea!
Good Luck
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
Hollywood should make a movie out of that!
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
i think.... you are being silly.
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
Been there, watched that have to drive away.
Still wonder about her, all these years later.
It's all okay, others do come along. The important thing is that you know what to look for, know how to feel it. Many never do.
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
You can't keep living in the past sweetheart. You must decide to move on with your life. Be fair to yourself and love yourself more. There are many interesting people around if you open your heart and learn to enjoy the moment.
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
It's just a mad moment of illogical infatuation
We've all been there!
You'll get over it
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
are you like crazy or something
go look for someone in real life not on myspace and facebook.
she might have been some woman looking for her next slave.
you dont know her.
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
Blah blah blah dont listen to who said stupid things like: ''how can you love her if you dont know anything about her?"
Listen to me....I'm in a similar situation. I'm lesbian, I like a girl I dont know very well and everytime I look at her I notice she looks at me too....I don't know what it really means, but our stories are similar and so sad...I was almost crying when I read your story....I know you love her and you don't care if other girls wanna date you, cause you just love her. I know I know.
Your words are beautiful.....I hope you will see her again. I love a girl who is probably heterosexual and I know I can't do much....I can't even tell her cause she'd probably laugh at me and if someone knows that in school they'd discriminate me forever so....it's f****g stupid, this world doesn't let us live....
I know you can't forget her....
This girl looks at me too, but I think it means nothing....but you can't find it out easily.
But if someone looks at you all the time, it should be easy to figure out. I think she figured it out.
Lol I need help too....I'm in the same siatuation.
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
Never settle, find her.
URGENT HELP....Please help me out,This is urgent..What do you think about this?
where'd you get the picture? A friend? Try tracing it back to the person who had it first. They might know the girl.
Well, if you are a believer of love at first site, like me, this was surely what its like.it kinda sucks you never got the chance to talk to her. I believe that everything happens for a reason, maybe you were ment I see that picture. I kinda think its ment to be and if is, it'll happen I promise. I hope you find this girl.
Whoever she is. Good luck. If life keep you apart, know that she's out there somewhere, and in your heart at the same time.
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