This guy i knew but didn't really know, me out of nowhere and was like whos this? and i said well you kinda me.
And he was all like this is Dion, and showed me his myspace and i said i know you, and i sent him my myspace cause he said he wanted to see who i was of course i already told him what my name was.
Well i was asking him well how'd you get my screen name? and he said i honestly have no idea (which how doesn't he know?) Anyway he said yeah your that freaky flirty girl, and i said lol what? and i said what does that even mean? and he said "your that freaky girl that loves to **** lol" and i was like, excuse me? im a virgin. and he signed off, and now im worried cause when i went to school i knew people that didnt really like me and idk I just dont want any drama in my life anymore, what do you think is the worst that can happen?
I really dont wanna think about it, but rele i just dont want no one on my case =/ should i just calm down and not worry?
Well and today.
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
I don't know what the boys issue was but it sounds like the girls story was harmless. Maybe she does just want to be your friend.
Maybe the boy likes you, or he's just poking fun but I don't see what you did wrong for him to go back and cause more drama for you. I wouldn't worry about it.
閳界瘡ood Luck! 閳?br>Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
Calm down.. they're just yanking you around. If you don't want people to see your myspace for the love of god mark it private..
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
darlin, if you don't want drama, why are you creating it?? Chill... the only drama i have detected is what you are creating by being paranoid
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
I think you're paranoid...
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
first of alll......TMI
ok well mabe if you stoped being emo aka ATTENTION hoe then people wouldnt do that...more then likely someone who hates you put somthing about you on there myspace trying to get people to im you to piss you off
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
sweetie chill its ok
it'll all get better
jsut let things work themselves out
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
WOW!! girl it sounds like your freaking out over nothing! that girl sounded sorta nice. and about the guy, don;t let it bother you!
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
you need to calm down, you need to drop this or it will be drama
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
highschool drama...tsk tsk tsk. you shouldn't be worried at all.
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
iggy the whole thing, dont pay any mind and block the childish ppl. as long as you know wat your doin in life who cares. be the bigger person. stick up for your self but just blow alot of this outta you butt. best of luck
Some PLEASE answer, I am so confused!?
hey, i know how it feels. it's not the end of the world. some of those that don't like u will talk about the incident for few days, and in a week or so ppl will forget bout it. but those that R your real friends, care about you will stand by you.
and hey, better know ahead who u can count on.
you made a slip off, it's ok... things happen.
Now that myspace head 's (and the girl that contacted u after ) R just trying to bully u into feeling bad and sorry about yrself. don't give them the pleasure. In the end, no one likes bullies, and inside they just feel real lonely. (too bad for them)
personaly prefer meeting real ppl -not virtual fakers, coz these might be last degree losers that i'd for sure avoid if were t meet them in the street. and the pic doesn't say anything, as most pics are posed for, looking cool...
also, private information is called 'private' for a reason. You don't have to tell anyone about yourself (even if other ppl don't agree that some info is private).
In relationships (friendship /love) the #1 ingredient is respect... not even attraction! so if someone makes u feel worse than you felt before, time out. (mayB the person doesn't know he's hurting you, so tell her/him that. But most likely yr friend is just being nasty)
but the best advice is to read this book 'isbn 0743552148' (google it out). don't mind the title. i wish i had it when i went through high school...
g luck
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