Theres this girl thats "oh my god" in love with my bf. They use to kind of talk in a more than friends way a while back but things didnt work out I'm guessing because she lives like 6hrs away from us in his hometown that he visits from time to time. We've gotten into a fight before about her because I simply asked him what was up with the two of them and he flipped saying she was just a good friend. What the F^%^ ever i KNOW he liked her at some point and i know shes madly in love with him.
Well today i went to comment him on his myspace and i saw that she left a response comment on his myspace. i know it was a response because she said stuff like she was answering some questions that he probably left on her myspace.
He says he loves me and blah blah blah but if he knows that I dont like them talking because of the history they have why would he continue talking to her. I'm not talking to any of the guys I liked and it didnt work out with, just out of respect. You know?
Should I be angry? Should I say something, I'm so... gosh upset? Your opinions plz!?
He is with you honey! What would you want him to say? "I'm sorry, I can't be friends with you because my girlfriend won't like that?" Relax, if he wants to cheat on you, your anger and nagging won't stop it. If you keep on bugging him about this, you'll just push him away. Your boyfriend is probably flattered by the attention, don't worry about it, it's human nature.
Should I be angry? Should I say something, I'm so... gosh upset? Your opinions plz!?
well...sure u have the right to be jelous...but let's see it this way...everybody used to has something with somebody....even if they were in love....he is ur bf by now....yes sure u have the right to be upset and everything...but if u wanna deal with that...u have to do that
assume u r sitting with him in aromantic moment....he's talking...and he mentioned her...let him talk about her...and make sure ur face looks so calm...don't change the subject....just talk like there is nothing wrong happening...then when her situation is over...just metion another subject...and tell him that this makes u remember something u 2 used to do....and began talking with that and teasing him.....always do that....let him talk about her then let him see ur presence in his life....that way u will always stay as number 1.....
i really wish u good luck :)
Should I be angry? Should I say something, I'm so... gosh upset? Your opinions plz!?
well if you asked and he flipped out i dont know what to say. trusting him is ENTIRELY up to you. if you are worried about it but cant talk about it, this could be bad. but if you trust him it shouldnt be too bad. good luck
Should I be angry? Should I say something, I'm so... gosh upset? Your opinions plz!?
i understand how u feel..kinda went thru similar situations..
u just need to u trust him? if u do, u need to..try to stop thinking such things and try to trust him..i know it's hard to do it..we(gurls) are suspicious and dun wanan get hurt individuals..but still...if u know him, trust him and love him...u need to get off his back..or else he'll get piss and resent u..
Should I be angry? Should I say something, I'm so... gosh upset? Your opinions plz!?
it's tough to turn your back on the ex when she's such a close friend with your boyfriend. But if you asked him about it and he said there's nothing going on, you have to trust him until you can prove that there is. In the mean time, chill, don't stop talking to your exes because of him, you can still be friends just like he's friends with his...see how that works out for him
Should I be angry? Should I say something, I'm so... gosh upset? Your opinions plz!?
If they are just friends now and you have no proof they are doing anything other than talking like good friends, there is no reason to get upset and demand he stop speaking to her. If she lives six hours away, I don't think you have to worry too much because it's not like he could be sneaking a quicky with her during his lunch break. If he thinks you're taking things too seriously, seeing things where there really isn't anything to see, then of course he'd continue to talk to her. To him, it probably doesnt seem like a big deal and he thinks you're blowing things out of proportion. It makes no sense to be upset over something he says is nothing if you have no solid proof of it being anything else. You have to trust him. Without trust there is no love. To be suspicious of an old flame of his when you're with him and there's no logical cause to be upset is not trusting him. Now I could see being upset or worried if he said he still has feelings for her, but if he doesn't think it's a big deal, maybe you should just learn to trust him.
Should I be angry? Should I say something, I'm so... gosh upset? Your opinions plz!?
oh my god!!what an unfaithful friend!
if i were u i would broken up with both of them,actually when i become sure about their love and...
this shows non of them can be agood friend!
thanks God u realized that soon!
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