Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is this psycho?

came across a page on myspace where a girl is claiming my bf, and her bf that she is soooo in love with. then it says she doesn't care what anyone thinks-its her life-stay out of it-and she can do what she wants with it. she also made her name with his last name? and labeled herself as "married"

so..he is on too. his myspace says single, but dating. and there are pictures of me and him on his site.

is this girl just psycho? what do i do about her? do i confront her? do i tell him i saw it?

Is this psycho?

No, not psycho.

Girls do this kind of stuff all the time. After all, they figure, they use pictures of guys (some they have never met) to hold out there for other guys to compete with to win her affections.

You see, she is attempting to hold some poor sap (any new guy she meets) to an incredibly high standard that he will never be able to meet.

I personally do not think she really wants a boyfriend, but someone to pay for her goodies.

Good luck.

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