weve been together a year. he had me completely believe that he is perfect. i know for a fact that hes in love and would never..do anything more than maybe a kiss on the lips. BUT its the little things like..he left someone a comment on myspace sayin she was beautiful and that he would defenitly call her.(he said he was just being nice) he had a girl saved in his phone as "my love" (he siad SHE was just being nice) a girl sent him a message on myspace saying that she had fun the other night and she was sorry she couldnt go online(he said she swore she meant to send it to his friend..not him)
i dont see how he has time for other girls..im ALWAYS with him. except now cuz hes in college...for the past 4 days. i know theres a party tonight and i asked him not to go. he told me he had an orientation at 9 30pm to 11. its 11 45 and he still hasnt called. what kind of orientation is at 9 30 at night?
am i stupid for staying with him? =[
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
you should dump himwhile you are ahead. all those are just excuses sweetie. don't believe that. you know deep down you don't. if you can't trust him then why would you stay with him? why would you wanna spend the rest of you life like that. worring all the time. thats not right. you can do so much better. he just thinks that he has you under neith his finger tips. you should move on or at least put your foot down. you don't wanna live like that. now do you%26gt;?
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
Dump him .
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
He is getting laid. Get over it and get out of fantasy land. His orientation is just that...he is orienting his tool in someone else.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
It sounds like something is fishy, I say you tell him that if he is not going to take you worries seriously, that you take some time away from one another.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
sounds like you both are not ready for a relationship.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
He does sound fishy. If he is a really outgoing personality, then I could understand why he would say that stuff to women on myspace. But otherwise, I wouldn't trust him. College is all about hooking up and exploring.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
Girl he is obviously playing you and just trying to keep you on the side, what you need to do is come get with me to make him jealous and he will then see the error of his ways
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
dump him, i didn't read the rest, but your opening sentence says it all
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
Wonder how he would feel if you were that nice to other guys?
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
I would be suspecting something too, I would believe he was up to something. All the "coincidences" with her...yeah right, either you are gullable and naive, or just plain stupid....get rid of him...he is cheating!!
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
I wouldn't trust him more than 1%, he is up to something, take it from a man.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
if you can't trust him you don't need to be with him cause all you going to do is be worried about what he is doing !
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
He is defiantly lying. I think you need to toss him to the curb and get a new boyfriend. Give the new guy a little space so he will not feel smothered, that way you will have all kinds of things to chat about.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
do some more exploring without telling him, find where the orientation or wutever more lies hes telling you then bust him.... dump him
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
He is doing something girl, leave him before you get really hurt.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
you're not stupid... just naive... i can type till my hands fall off about how he's just not that into you.... I've been in this situation before, and it made me feel like something was wrong with me that he could ignore me/lie to me in those ways.. In the end, it's him and I would recommend meeting new people..... Sounds like he's still pretty immature..... you don't have to put up with that
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
yeah all the answers are in your face, if you was to stay with him and all these signs are in your face, then you'll have no one to blame but yourself, because, its very obvious. Best wishes on your decision, bc ive been there and learned that no one can decide but yourself in the end, but just dont be dumb, look at all the signs, maybe you need to ask more questions with him and see how things add up. when you ask wait a little bit and then ask again. see what he says, if his story has elaborated or adds up. either way, i think hes cheating and your not having sex, then that should be your answer. hes a man, getting it where he can.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
he is lying... No job holds orientation at 9:30 at night.... You need to drop that looser and get someone else who deserves you. And get off MYSPACE it's nothing but trouble... You deserve someone that is going to be true to you, honest and understanding.... And don't think you know him, because just like us men can pull things out of thin air.. You need to find you some friends to keep you busy.. go out with your girl friends and chill... stop worring about that no good man and make some goodmoves for you and your life.... then he is really cheating on you, because I don;t know one man that will go for NO SEX until they are married and they have dipped in some before they started dating you.... so baby girl you need to find you a new man
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
Yes.You are just too sweet for his kind.Dump him and move on.He was just cheating on you all along and he totally deceived you.Orientaton with other girls.Just dump him.He is not your kind.This will go on, so put a full stop for the cheating orientation.Good luck.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
give hem a test put some girl friend of yours that he doesnt know about her and tell her to put her phone on the speaker then tell her to talk about then example " can i see u tonight " or " remember me the girl u make out with" stuff like that then on his answer you will know if his the right man for u or not
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
Hello?!?!??!! What the hell are you doing? Leave his a**
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
Lets face it girl - if he isn't getting sex from you, he's getting it from somewhere else, plain and simple. Young kid, off to college? C'mon, get real. If you think that he's gonna listen to you if you tell him not to go to a party, think again. It's an irrational and unreasonable request, and he's right not to honor it.
Don't get too attached to him, try dating other people and see what else the world has to offer. He's not the last one you will meet. As you mature, you'll start meeting more mature people; hopefully, in time, you will develop a relationship based on trust, and won't have to snoop around someone's MySpace account to look for messages from girls.
I dont trust my boyfriend...100 percent?
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