I feel like i'm doing something wrong here y would this happen!?
Is this just life, or am i just going crazy?
i dated this guy for like a year, when i first met him he didn't have a car, and he was pushing buggies at wal-mart... ( he dropped out) my mom offered for him to get his GED AND PAY FOR IT (when his family didn't) i made him get a good job, and then he just left one day... he said he wasn't happy with me because i bitched at him to much! but i mean... he was driving with out insurence got into a wreck and hurt me, not him! he got into debt.. didn't want to work, so i left him.. alot of bs went down he really hurt me, he basically raped me before i left him,a nd then called me back crying telling me he loved me.. so i just left it alone, and now he has this new gf thats 15 years old ( he is 20!!!) he like she is the best gf i have ever had, and i love her.. (on his myspace) oh my... so does this happen to every girl out there? or am i just crazy.. is it right he is dating a girl that young? .. what do ya'll think.. i did so much for him, and a 15 year old is the best gf he has had?
Is it okay that he is doing this? should i feel bad..?
He raped you and you didn't report him? And now he is with a minor? I sure hope he doesn't rape her too, but if he does end up hurting her, and she reports him, you need to back her up in court and testify to what he did to you. The guy sounds like a complete loser. He most likely called you back crying to tell you he loves you so that you wouldn't turn him in to the police for rape. He's a bum that needs to pay for what he's done to you.
And no, this doesn't happen to everyone, and it isn't "just life."
Is it okay that he is doing this? should i feel bad..?
hes a rat and the best thing for you to do is forget him,who cares if his gf is 15 you should keep away after what he did to you,you must not be over him to visit his space in the first place,if your genuinly concerned about his girlfriend ,phone the police,if it is because of jelousy,then keep away.completly erase him from your mind cause he aint work **** bab,who wants a yobby dosser.move on and find someone descent and forget about what he is getting up to.
Is it okay that he is doing this? should i feel bad..?
This is what you get for taking in a "fixer upper" and trying to shape him into something he never wanted to be in the first place.Next time get a guy who has it together and leave the losers alone.If he raped you then you should have had him arrested.You should tell the police he is messing with a 15 yr old before he gets her pregnant or something.Her parents are as dumb as yours are for moving him in with you.There was a reason his parents werent helping him and now you know why.Take time to get to know a guy FIRST before dating him.It is ok to give someone a chance by helping them with a G.E.D. or something but you should NEVER date or get romantically involved with a guy who is in need of the kind of help your guy needed.Also,WHY did you get in a car with him KNOWING he had no insurance?This was as much YOUR fault as his hon.
The 15 yr old does what he wants her to do instead of him having to jump hoops for you.
Is it okay that he is doing this? should i feel bad..?
The situation that you are going through has happen to many women before. It is not right that he is a grown man dating a 15 year old. All he is trying to do is make you jealous, he posted that on his my-space because he knows that you are going to look at it. You did right by leaving him alone. It is going to be hard but you are going to half to stand your ground and leave him alone. You are going to half to stop reminding yourself about everything you did for him, because all you are doing is torching yourself and you will never heal from this situation if you keep reminding yourself. You should surround yourself with people that love and support you. Ask your friends not to talk about him or what they may have heard or seen. Everything will get better and you will find peace. You will find you someone better. Hang in there and I wish you all the luck! Hang in there Girl! Just look at it as a learning experience and never forget.
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