I have the name and passwords of my boyfriends myspace, AIM, and yahoo accounts.
Occasionally I check his records. Should I be worried when he makes plans to visit girls or talkin to other females sayin that he misses and loves them :( This one girl in particula who lives atleast 5 whole states away
I check his phone messages from time to time and he gets a lot of female messages.
He tells me one thing and I only have his word to go upon. He says that hes not cheating, he's not that type of guy, and so on.
Should I be worried or do i go too far?
Checking your boyfriends instant messenger convo and phone?
Do you have reason not to trust him? Is that why you're checking up on him? if so, then you probably shouldn't be with him anyway, if not, then you probably won't ever believe him no matter what he says since you've already found all this out.
Checking your boyfriends instant messenger convo and phone?
this boy is cheating on you. i would be worried because anyone that is going to tell someone not related to them that he "loves" them (you dont tell strangers that!) is not a good person!
you need to go to dontdatehimgirl.com and post his cheating ways on the web for the whole world to see and then leave him.
if he is willing to do it FOR you he is willing to do it TO you!
Checking your boyfriends instant messenger convo and phone?
girl get a grip!!!!Drop him quick, because obviously something's wrong with your relationship if he's telling someone else that he loves her!!!!!Just because she's 5 states away doesn't mean anything....WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY!!!!
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