We have been fighting every since he moved in...i never wanted him to move in but i was helping him out...since hes moved in i kept thinking he was cheating, im insecure...we kept being on again off again...he asked a girl out on myspace, they never met, but still...yest. i came back from a week trip...i saw a new box of condoms in his drawer that magically disappeared today...i called him on the phone and told him to get out today...i later found the condoms in another drawer and he said he had bought them for me planning on fixing this...they were unopened...he said though that last nite when he saw me he didnt feel the same way...yest...he came home after work and packed up all of his stuff...he was shaking and i could tell he had had a couple of drinks...we both ended up crying...i begged him to stay and not move out in the dark...he was nice about it...he said that i had hurt him too bad and that he had never cheated...im sure its over...i love him and want him back...
I kicked my boyfriend out last nite, im feeling really bad, he almost called the police?
if you really love him, go talk to him, talk about everything, seriously, ask questions, and make him ask questions of his own, if u are doubting him, let him know and ask him how he can help you to trust him. try to be honest with each other.
I kicked my boyfriend out last nite, im feeling really bad, he almost called the police?
Maybe You too Should take a break ??.. Try to Control yr Anger the next time... i lost my BF once.. For This Abusive attitude....
I kicked my boyfriend out last nite, im feeling really bad, he almost called the police?
some lessons are learnt the hard way... just be more confident of yourself the next time!
I kicked my boyfriend out last nite, im feeling really bad, he almost called the police?
well..that's not nice for you to do...
talk to him after a while...
I kicked my boyfriend out last nite, im feeling really bad, he almost called the police?
You're crazy..outside of that you two have no problems.
I kicked my boyfriend out last nite, im feeling really bad, he almost called the police?
better get that girl from myspace over for a three-way ... that'll probably help a litte bit
I kicked my boyfriend out last nite, im feeling really bad, he almost called the police?
I would of left and never came back to. Sounds like straight jacket activities in the future.
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