So this guy that i used to date moved outta town, and i have not heard from him since. well, i found his myspace last night, and he's with this other girl- but i know i look sooooo much better than her ( not being mean, i just know i do) and all over the page it has my wife, my life, my love, whatever. but she's butt ugly!!! and he DOES NOT talk to ugly girls!!! Is he in love with her? do you think it will last? should i send him a message or something!! i'm in total shock!!! what should i do??!?!?!
I have a Question about a guy...?
Looks are in the eye's of the beholder. Maybe he sees her inner beauty. Maybe she is not one to think she is prettier or better than other girls. If it said she was his wife, his life, his love then he is obviously very happy with his choice. You should not send him any message at all but stay out of his life and let him alone. It does not matter at this point if it will last or not...that is his problem ..not yours. You say he does not talk to ugly girls...well maybe he finally realized how shallow and stuck up pretty girls can be.
I have a Question about a guy...?
Well he is in love with her becasue she ain't shallow.
I have a Question about a guy...?
why do you care, he's your ex isnt he?
I have a Question about a guy...?
well this guy sounds great because he doesn't just care about looks its whats on the inside that counts!
I have a Question about a guy...?
The almost smae thing happend to me. It ended up that he was dating any girl that asked him out. (Which made me feel great... lol) I realized what a loser he is.
If i were you id message him just to say hi. Dont ask him about the girl yet. If you guys end up in a good convo... ask him if he ever thinks about u. if he does, u know he doesnt really love her as much as he says.
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