Thursday, December 3, 2009

HELP!. mypsace/boyfriends problems. sorry its so long, plz read tho!?

I think my boyfriends myspace has been hacked..

first of all.. whoever did it took me off his friends list.. then i just talked to him so he added me again.. but when i go to leave him a comment it says.. "comment has been posted" when I didn't even post one yet.. and when I go to send him a message, it says.. "must be matt's friend to send him a message"

whats up with that? I AM one of his friends..

I was begining to think that HE was doing all of this (I have NO idea why)..1 of my girlfriend even made a fake myspace for her and i to try and figure out what is/was going on.. she messaged him from it pretending to me all intereasted in him.. and he replied back asking her out for drinks and such.. and how he dumped his last gf (me.. even said my name) cause he caught me cheating on him and how i hired some dude to follow him around everywhere.. wtf?!??!?!.. well i called him like 10x lastnight and he finally called back and said.. "I haven't been on the comp in days.. im in

24 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

21 minutes ago

Tampa cause my grandmother passed away" (we live in Ft. Lauderdale.. Tampa is hours away) (he does have a laptop though... takes it almost everywhere)

he swears its not him doing it.. so i got realllly suspcious and went into his hotmail account.. and i noticed in his saved mailbox that he had emails from chicks claiming they were pregnant with his baby.. one being a 16 year old and he is 24! (it was a year ago, but still!).. also 1 email from a girl going on and on bout how he is acting different.. and lying bout everything.. and that she loves him and that he told her he loved her (also a year ago too).. there were also emails in there from adult hookup sites, and emails that he sent to craigslist girls wanting to hookup as recent as 2 days ago!!!!

I don't know what to believe.. I am at a loss.. I will never have real proof if it was really him or not.. he has added me back as a friend.. he said he is going to go to sleep now cause he is exhausted, but we'll talk bout it

19 minutes ago

later, when he logs back on after waking up".. i tried to call him just now.. no answer... lastnight on the phone he said.. "I swear to u on my dead grandmothers grave that I didn't do any of it".. so that makes me think that he didn't do it.. cause if he did, why would he say such a thing???! but i aint 100% sure.. : (.. i been crying nonstop.. im soo confused. he is 24. im 22. we aren't kids.

how do i put an end to it? how do i find out for sure 1 way or the other??!

16 minutes ago

its not spam really.. aint even emails.. before they took me off his friends list.. i had sent him some messages.. i checked on em and he had read them, but didn't reply back..

also.. my friend who made the fake profile.. matt (my bf) (or whoever hacked into his page.. if thats true) gave the girl his cell number cause the last time they were talking on myspace IM, he had to go to work he said and that if she still wanted to chat with him, then to call him..

so whoever really hacked into the page.. knows his cell number.. so that also gets me thinking that it is him as well... (He does live with 2 roomates.. 1 i never met, and the other is a gay older dude who has known him for 4 years.. matt told me on the phone lastnight that his roomate (allen) and him had a HUGE fight before he left for tampa, so it coulda been him.. but just now when talkin to him on myspace IM (matt) he claims that it wasen't allen cause allen told matt just now that he hasen't even been home.. AGH!

8 minutes ago

oh and just before when we were talking.. he noitced my new pix (kinda reaviling.. i took them yesterday to try and cheer myself up).. he is all.. "oh.. nice new pix of yours.. glad to know u wanna show ur body off to the world.. i don't approve of them.. plz take them off"

what the flying hell??!?!?!?!.. i really do believe it was him.. when he was chattin with my friend on the myspace IM.. he typed the SAME way as my bf does.. (my bf doesn't spell to well.. or use correct grammar too well.. so i could tell)

i ask if he truly wants me/loves me/etc etc.. he always says yes.. he told me.. "we are fine.. i love u.. u are my girl" on the phone lastnight.. then he is all "i'll talk to u wednesday when i get back into town".. well he just logged onto myspace IM a lil' bit ago.. and is all "hey its matt.. i got home early from Tampa"..

I have called him like 15 or so times since friday.. ok,maybe he couldn't get on the comp while in Tampa .. but why not answer his phone at all?!

HELP!. mypsace/boyfriends problems. sorry its so long, plz read tho!?

I am so sorry girl, but I have already answered a previous question of yours ! Just leave the guy for your sake! Stop running around in circles and walk away already! Like you said.. you guys arent kids anymore!! Move on with your life woman!!!

HELP!. mypsace/boyfriends problems. sorry its so long, plz read tho!?

yeah, he is been very fishy and that all leads to one thing, maybe he is trying to end this relationship but is afraid of losing u andnot finding someone else to replace you. And hence he is still tellin you that he loves u, etc. There is no good reason why he can't just pick up the phone and talk to you. You should not waste anymore of ur time talk to him. Stop calling him, and see when he will call you back. If he loves u, he will call you. and see where things go...good luck.

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