Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why do people ignore this question?when i REALLY need help!?


Can someone plz take the time to read this im so sad!?

Im getting mixed signals.?

theres this guy named robert i like and i already told him all he did was sit next to me in both of my classes and he tried to make himself obvious [like by asking me things] but i didnt even look at him[ i know "smart" move] then i comment him on myspace and he dosent comment back[even though he was online for some time] then the next day he ignores me but stares at my breasts:-(

ps:hes in lOVE with a girl named denise who dosent even like him!

my cousin asked if he liked me and he said "i dont know"

Why do people ignore this question?when i REALLY need help!?

Leave this fool alone Lucy. Take my word on this one. Here's what's happening, and going to happen,..

He's chasing Denise, who doesn't care much for him, and he's eventually going to catch the drift of this. In the meantime, he knows that you like him, which was your slip-up, and he'll keep stringing you along. He'll sit next to you, make himself obvious, ask questions,.. all that you mentioned, just to make sure he's still got you on the hook. This is all part of the plan, because he knows that although he likes Denise, she doesn't like him and eventually he's going to need to resort to "PLAN B".

You, sweetheart, are "PLAN B". He'll come to you and try to lay it on thick about how he's been a fool for blowing you off or for not trying harder to be with you. It's all a load of crap. He's interested in getting laid. This is why he stares at your chest when he's around you. He doesn't want you for you, he wants you for your body.

Don't be a second place prize for anyone. There is a guy out there that couldn't even imagine that you'd be his first place. Go find that guy,.. he'll appreciate you for you and want to flaunt the fact that he's got you. If you wait for Robert, he's going to use you and toss you to the side.

Why do people ignore this question?when i REALLY need help!?

lmao....sorry bout that. Look he sounds like a Moran so don't bother in getting with him. You can get with someone me. Also if he in love with Denise then what makes you think he likes you. Look forget bout him and move one.

Peace out!

Why do people ignore this question?when i REALLY need help!?

This guy seems shallow to me. He's not worth it.

Why do people ignore this question?when i REALLY need help!?

Poor girl.. I went through that too...

Here is what u do... flirt with him to his face... be unavailable online ... I know it might be hard, cause u like him so much, but it will work if he is interested in you... don't be scared of the boy... he might be your bf ones day!!

Good Luck!

Why do people ignore this question?when i REALLY need help!?

he sounds like a jerk .. move on (: find someone else better ! :D

Why do people ignore this question?when i REALLY need help!?

gurl!dont u see he's only interested in your two friends?(your breasts)!.forget about him,you and ur two use them to them to do something else other than getting his attention.moooooooooove on,he's just not into u.lata gurl!

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