Hey Peoples. I wrote this on My Myspace so this isn't really a question I just want your feedback on what you think of my perspective of this Blog I wrote:
I always had not only a theory but a philosophy where their was an old saying that was once said "Not all nice guys finish last." and the other term "All girls seem to want the Jerks." I've tried to follow the 1st term but I guess in the end, things don't always seem to stay that way. I mean, do all guys have to turn into a jerk just to get a girls attention? It's kind of weird how back in the old days how girls would wait for a thing called a "Gentleman-Caller" where 'Mr.Right' happens to walk in the house for dinner and take the lovely daughter out and the fairy tale goes on from their. Now, It's like love is not enough for girls these days. I guess when they learn the deceitful ways of how fun it is to have more then one "Love Partner" they feel like they own the world. Yes, I do believe in Karma and what goes around comes around back at you twice as hard. I should speak for the girls as well because their are guys that are pretty guilty themselves, And I just want to apologize on my their behalfs to all the "Honest and faithful" girls.
I had a friend who once said that Girls aren't descent because Guys need to get descent themselves 1st. Also, that their are many girls in Texas who don't want the everyday "Shakespeare Quoting" guy cause they want their man to be "Big Stuff" but on the contrary, they'll choose Brawns over Brains anyday. I guess that is the question. "WHAT do girls want in a guy to keep them satisfied?" Alot of guys as well as girls experience heartache in a relationship they feel they've put a 100% effort to only to be put through pain and hurt when they wanted to experience the joy and Rush in being in love.Maybe some people learn nothing but heartache that eventually their going to start thinking "I guess I might as well be an asshole if every person I get with hurts me ." and then the next thing you know, you lose one good person left in this world .
That IS the risk when you think about it, You gotta be willing to risk heartache and pain if your wanting to be in love. I'm not giving up on love, I can Promise you that right now. I've been hurt alot and feel like I've been used and have thought about turning the other cheek from time to time. Somtimes people ask me "A.J, Why do you put up with so much B.S. ?" It's cause sometimes I really don't wanna believe in the reality that's in front of me. Maybe, it's cause God taught me to have faith and to never give up.
The best thing that you could do, as difficult as it may be, is to forgive the other person for their wrongdoings, and free yourself from the chains of the pain that they have inflicted on you. Consider yourself as wiser for the experience and gain knowledge from it that will benefit you in the future.
If you truly gave all of yourself in an effort to salvage a relationship, and consider yourself to be the victim, remember that the person who was ultimately responsible for the breakup, is the real victim, the victim of their own wrongdoings. They have ultimately cheated on themselves, or cheated themselves out of the opportunity to experience true love.
You are not the victim. You have been given the freedom to find true, unconditional love with someone much like yourself. They say that opposites attract. That may hold
true in some ways, but not when it pertains to how you view what a relationships makeup should be, and the values that you possess.
Always Remember that in the end in some cases you do have to be cruel to be kind but also, in the end, The Good guys always prevail and take home their valuable treasure !
Good Guys Vs. Jerks?
well this is pretty long so most people wont read it, but i thought i should coz there could be something meaningful, at times we have all kinds of thoughts about life but those thoughts of yours wont matter to someone unless someone sees the relevance of them, i see the relevance of this coz i have been hurt and i am a girl and i would like to tell you the reason we seem to like jerks they are a challenge coz as a girl you have hope to change that persons ways and hope they can become the true love you been searching for but you cant change someone you can onlu inspire once a man has made up his mind it had to change unless you convience him it all his idea, we love bad boys coz they dont kiss up to us but they can be sensual as well.dont gert me wrong you dont have to be a jerk but you must be a challenge for a woman so that they appreciate they got you.
Good Guys Vs. Jerks?
girls who are attracted to the jerks are girls who lacked emotional support from their fathers
they subconsciously seek out the opportunity to relive their childhood where they can earn or win the heart of an emotionally unavailable man. in this restructured relationship they hope to discover why their fathers didn't love them, why they weren't around, why they never became close, because the girl will beleive it was because she wasn't pretty enough, or demure enough, sexy enough, smart enough, clean enough or athletic enough, etc.
so, she finds boys who are like her father and she tries again and again to get them to be what she thinks is a loving man, the kind of man she thinks her father would have been had she been good enough
she gets hurt over and over because the men she chooses are in fact like her father
she eventually learns, if she's smart, if she's not beaten to death, that she can't change a man and she couldn't change her father no matter how perfect she could have been as a daughter
she learns that no man can fill that empty space in her soul that her father left for her
she learns to forgive her father
and she's able to see that she's responsible for her self and her own emotional needs
and then she's mature enough for a relationship with an emotionally available man who is caring, compassionate and appreciates her for her emotional strength and independence.
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