nothing feels right anymore because of this...iono ybut please help me...i fell inlove with a straight girl and when she found out she was freaked out...the story is i told ONE person over myspace and i thought i could trust them...but i found out i was wrong when the next day i saw her showing that paper to the girl i loved...and the whole school already knew by the time i found out...then the girl i fell inlove with hates me now...and wont talk to me and had moved before this happend and she alrady planned to finish out the school year and then change...but i just havent been the same because that was my first love...and i really cant tell the difference between crushes and just liking as a friend...why is this happening? will it go away? and is it normal scence im only 13. oh and i do know tht i loved her because i just had no doubt about and i still dont...but im just confused about the questions i had...
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
first of all, i'm very sorry that this happened to you. some people are jerks and can not be trusted. especailly in middle school. but it will go away. i know it feels like it won't- but you'll look back at this one day and realize it helped you become who you were meant to be.
secondly, i suppose you are asking whether or not you are a lesbian for sure? well, if you can find girls sexually attractive, then yes you are. this however, does not mean that you do not like boys. you could find both girls and boys attractive, which means you are bisexual. it is normal to have these feelings at your age. for some people it comes earlier and others later. just dont let people confuse you. and if i am being in anyway unclear, please email me, and ill help in anyway i can!
also, just because you might find some girls attractive, does not mean that every girl you come across will grab your attention. some women you just might find funny or entertaining. you just may want to be friends. if you think you could kiss them romantically, then maybe you do like them. but you do not always have to act upon it. because they maybe- like the girl you liked- straight. and you have to respect their sexual preference. this is up to you to decide.
whether it will go away can be tricky. don't let the title of "lesbian", "straight", or "bi" rule your life. you sound like you are a very open girl, so just take life as it is given to you. you will eventually find out what is right for you. you are quite young and have a long while to figure out what is best for you.
thirdly, don't listen to some of the people on here. they have their own agenda and might not understand. just remember... do what is right for you. do what makes you feel the most comfortable.
and lastly, i know you may be scared to speak to your parents but they are your parents. if you know for sure that they look down on gays then maybe you should go to a school counselor or a trusted teacher. anybody! you could maybe convince your parents to let you see a psychologist, that way you could talk to someone trusting and your parents don't have to know the whole truth. besides, the psychologist could help you through this.
just ignore kids. and try to talk to someone. i hope you get helped with your problem.
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
you are really confused and your question is also confusing
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
Redirect your focus to your studies, sports, and family. Nobody (gay or straight) should be putting other people at risk at the age of thirteen.
Quit it. This is destructive behavior.
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
I know how you feel. I am a gay teen who is in love with a guy who claims to be straight. I'm sorry this happened to you. But if it was meant to be then it would. Maybe it still will. If not you'll meet plenty of new girls who will treat you better and love you for you. But what you're feeling isn't real love. It's a very big crush. You'll be able to move on and pick up the pieces eventually.
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
your 13... it is a lil early in lil to know whether or not your straight or a lesbian. Maybe you might be a bi-sexual.If u feel this way when your 16-17. then thats something to worry about. Dont take it the wrong way and it might not be good advice from someone elder to you but watc some porn movies maybe that would help.
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
Tell her it was a big joke and you can't believe she believed it.
Deny it to anyone who questions you.
Unfortunately, that's how life is at your age. When you're out of high school, people will be more accepting and you can be yourself. You might want to look into some online gay teen support groups in the meantime.
(You also might want to see about changing schools, if it's possible... this could make your life a living hell; kids don't seem to forget these things.)
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
Listen, and calm down. Go pure. Yes, i am saying it again:
Go pure.
Purity is ALWAYS right. Its still your choice in the end. I can not help you unless you open up and go pure. Trust me. You wont have anything to hide when everything is pure.
"Perfect love has no fear."
You still want to listen to whoever will get you to where you want. Its your choice. Its either purity or everything but purity.
Your choice. Your life. You.
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
Don't worry. Sexuality is perfectly normal, and an hard thing for any teen, I wish you all the best.
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
Well that's a really crappy situation. I feel sorry for you. At 13 your still figureing things out. It's normal to be really confused. If you don't know the difference between liking somebody as a friend or more, then maybe you should hang around guys for a while. It will all go away don't worry. Just give it time. Everything goes away in time.
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
Its normal to fall for someone...even if it is a girl...I think that if you really love this girl you might want to keep it to yourself...b/c people aren't as understanding as you might want them to be. If you have horrible parents who are stuck up about lesbians and gay people, maybe it isn't the best time to tell them that you are a lesbian or maybe Bi..who are still figuring it out perhaps?? But if they aren't bad about lesbians and ect then u should tell them...Say, OH hey mom...I need to talk...I'm confused..i like girls.......You are her child and i'm sure she will understand... shes gonna love you no matter what...And ttrust me...U will know if u just like someone or if it's a crush,,,i do this test 2 see if i really like 'em or just friends...What i do is i ask myself a question and i say "Hey, self? Can u imagine kissing this person?? or Would you tell them anything?? or both?" If u could never imagine yourself kissing the person..then u just like them as a friend...if u can do that w/ everyone..and u can imagine making out with everyone..then u might be desprate for you need to focus on one person..
~best of luck
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
ur 13 im not sure if ur old enough to know yet it may just be a phase it may not but dont go freakin ppl out untill ur sure. and u shouldnt care what ppl think anyway. if its hurting u this bad tlk to someone about it and tell that girl to backoff. dont worry things will blow over they always find something else to tlk about in a few days keep ur head up and stay strong.
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
well you know, I'm a straight girl and I've had a girl that liked me a lot and we were best friends but i told her nothing would ever happen between us.i cant change who i am just like she cant change who she is. I think maybe your friend was a little offended because you knew her preference and you over stepped your bounds a little.try telling her you're sorry and you will respect the fact she isn't into that.I hope things work out for you and just so you know , the girl that i was talking about that liked me,well we are still good friends and i wouldn't trade her for the world
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
Girls were meant to enjoy, like, admire, and love Boys.
Women are to enjoy, like, admire, love, and marry Men.
You may believe that you did not make a conscious decision to be this way (homosexual), so it must be natural right? Do you think you were born this way?
You were not born a lesbian. You were born a sinner, just as all of us are born with a sin nature and sinful desires. It is perfectly natural for you, and for all of us, to be tempted to do things that God says are wrong. In the same way, alcoholics and rapists and drug addicts and adulterers don閳ユ獩 make a conscious decision to "choose" that self-destructive lifestyle, they simply give in to their sinful desires.
However, although sin is natural for everyone, that doesn閳ユ獩 mean God wants us to remain that way. God can set you free from your sinful nature, give you new desires (not for other girls, but for guys), and he can help you resist temptations.
It's hard, but worth it. I once was a scared, confused 13 year old girl, now I'm 17 and following my savior. I was so lost and depressed, but when I began looking for God, I found him. My relationship with my friends and parents are so much better. Sure it's hard, but through Christ's strength... I was able to do it.
I'm sure a lot of what I said may be new and confusing to you, but I'll be praying for you. Visit some night and talk to a "live" person there. They would be able to answer your question a lot better than me or anyone else on yahoo answers. Try it... see if it helps. Wouldn't hurt would it? =)
Im a confused teenager and i dont feel like i can turn to my parents for answers...plz help im so scared!?
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