Saturday, November 28, 2009

Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships?

my boyfriend is always in 2 other gurls but mostly at his x girl friend on myspace he always puts her first in his top friends but me 2. when i go to that girl's picture he always has somethin like look at ma baby looking sexy.( that day he posted the comment we were still going out.) Do you think he loves me?

Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships?

uh i wouldn't put up with that... he's obviously not over his ex and i'm not the type of girl that will take sloppy seconds.,....

Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships?

doesnt sound like it. dump him, hes a loser.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships?

how long did him %26amp; his ex had???

and are you sure they're really broken up?

he shouldnt be doing that.. he's basically disrespecting you.

talk to him and ask him what would he do if you were to put a comment like under your ex's picture... will he get mad??? if he says no i wouldnt care, that guy has no heart lol

Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships?

to tell u da truth i dont think he loves you cuz if he did he wouldnt have posted dat comment on her pixs so i think you need to let go of him nd find someone whos gonna be into you nd no one else

Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships?

first off.... no i don't think he loves you... second off... if you are 2nd on his list on myspace you are probably second in his life as well if not higher up on the list.... Drop this guy, he's only making you look like the fool and you are allowing him too. If he isn't going to have respect for you at least have respect for youself.

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