Monday, November 30, 2009

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

we talk on aim a lot. i can tell he's sensitive about his love life.

there's this girl, kelsea, whos ALWAYS interfering.

He likes this girl Bailey [so I've heard] %26amp; idk... im kinda jealous. %26amp; i havent met her. NIETHER HAS THE GUY I LIKE! %26amp; then on myspace, you know how some people ask "who wants to own" like a pic?, well i asked WAYYYYY before he even put the question up. I was the 1st to comment it. i was the first he told. %26amp; 3 of us commented to own. Bailey got it. she commented at like, 9 or 10

i commented at 1 or 2 this morning.

%26amp; hes told our friend jesse, tht he thinks im annoying at school

but really nice %26amp; cool outide of school [at the mall %26amp; stuff]

%26amp; then he asked jesse "Why are girls like that?"

Ummm sooo what does this mean?

does he like me?

%26amp; also for the pic thing, i kept asking him about it

%26amp; he kept saying maybe

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

If he says you're annoying at school, then i don't think he really likes you like you like him.

Besides, if he liked you, he would of got you to own the pic since you're the one that commented it first.

Or whatever, i dunno.

But the picture thing is really lame.

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

It means he likes you after school because you stop bothering him but at school, your annoying to him

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

Maybe you are just really annoying and need to grow up.

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

This guy either has a little crush, or he is picking on you. Don't be jealous of other girls. They sound stuck up. Ask him if he likes you. If he sounds too cocky if he says no, prolly lyin!

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

please stop chasing this guy... it looks desperate- no offense. there is absolutely nothing more unattractive. and if you like this guy- let HIM come to YOU.

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

He might like you because he told his friends that he likes to hang around you outside of school. However, you are being really pushy because you keep bugging him about the picture thing. Maybe he doesn't want you to "own" it because you keep bugging him. This Bailey girl might be playing this more mellow if she likes him too. You sound like you are in middle or high school and if I'm correct, guys around that age don't like it when girls keep bugging them about little stuff like pictures. Play it cool. If you back off, maybe he'll show more of an interest in you.

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

It means both of you are immature. Stop worrying about who likes you and who doesn't. Just be a kid and enjoy your childhood. Wait until your around 18 to start worrying about these things.

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

there is way to much drama in your life

I can't stop thinking about him... [please read on!]?

completely like whatever you know!

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