Saturday, November 28, 2009

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

Well, so let me make this short.. cause i need help.

Me and my girlfriend have had a great relationship, i love her beyond words.

But recently i made a huge mistake by verbally cheating on her with another girl through myspace. Messages you know. And she found out, cause she has my password. She was torn and hurt, and we broke up temporarily, but now were back and things are hard for her, shes still hurt, but is trying to move on, is there anything i can do to help her move on,

i've been kissing her feet lately to make her feel better, and been supporting her, and doing everything 4 her.. but yet she still is hurt..

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

And she will be hurt for awhile. You betrayed her trust. The best thing you can do is continue to be supportive and reassure her that you really love her. She acts differently when you go home because she is wondering what you're doing when she is not able to be there. She is probably wondering if you'll do it again. Give her time to heal and get over what you did. It won't happen overnight.

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

Tell her it was an immatiure thing for you to have done, and that you are trying to grow up and be rpoud of yourslef. YOu hipoe that in her own time, she can value you again not as she did, but for what you, as a more mature person bring to her and the community.

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

you cheated on her by talking to another girl? I wouldn't say that's cheating.if you said inappropiate things to the girl I could understand your girlfriend being mad though

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

You did the right thing by apologizing and trying to win that trust back. It takes time to mend a broken heart. Deleting that useless Myspace account was a great start in the right direction. Staying off the internet a while wouldn't hurt you either.

You need to prioritize things in your life as well. Is the conversation online going to win your relationship back or is the physical aspect of being with her more important?

You don't have to change everything about yourself to prove yourself to her, but you change the things you know deep down inside you wouldn't want to happen to you in return. Be more of a best friend and less of a internet junkie as we all can be from time to time to show her you want her trust back.

It was big of you to say you were the better person and give up what you know you don't need to have that special woman in your life. She made a commitment to you, give her that same respect.

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

wow. just give it time. u did hurt her and at this point, nothing u can say or do will make her instantly understand that u wont do it ever again. just give her time

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

I am not sure what verbal cheating is, but if you were dishonest with her about what you were saying on myspace and were indescrete then sure she is going to be hurt. What some people don't realize is that when you do something like this apologies are meaningless, you do have to pay for the mistake. It sounds as if you are doing that. You have to take action to show her you regret what you did, such as deleting myspace etc. So now the second thing is to give her time to forget. Try to keep things light and fun but being considerate. Don't constantly get into discussions about what happened, it just keeps the wound open. There is a point however when she has to forgive you and move on. No one can say how long you have to pay for this, but it shouldn't be forever.

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

Keep being as supportive as you can and keep letting her know that you know it was wrong. give her some time to get over it and with your support she eventually will.

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

its gunna take time for her to trust you again.

so give her all the time that she needs.

the fact that she took you back is proof that she wants to work on it.

I verbally cheated on my girlfriend?

Cheating, in every form, hurts. Cheating isn't just the fact that you made a pass at, kissed, and/or dated another girl. It's the fact that you broke the trust your girlfriend had in you, and trust is a foundation stone for relationship. You've compromised that foundation, now if you want that relationship to stand; you've got to secure it again. It's going to take time and patience, but no matter how much you hear her say "I don't know if I can trust you" remember it was you that created the situation so don't get mad at her for keep going on about it! I'm sure youre highly appreciative of the fact that she took you back even after cheating on her. You can't rush her into trusting you again, especially since you guys took a long time to build the trust foundation. It's all a matter of rebuilding with patience and time...little by little.

Answer my question please:;...

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