Monday, November 30, 2009

All 8th graders. I need answers please?

Ok I will give you good points if I can get a good answer.

I'm not saying all of you are mean or terrible either.

I just want to know why some of you think one girl (or boy) is more "popular" than another? Give me your most honest answer! I'm begging you? Why do some of you love to stick your middle fingers up on myspace or spread rumors about other girls etc? I just don't get it. Even if I don't agre with some of your answers, I will still give you 10 points if you answer me honestly! Thank you

All 8th graders. I need answers please?

Only "The Popular" kids say there aren't any popular kids or well liked kids in their school like above. Because they have no clue what it feels like to be "unpopular"

They have scratched bitten and kwalled their way to try to be popular or they have the "right" kind of clothes to be popular! It's all a bunch of horse manure! It's not even about how beautiful you are anymore these days. It's like if your nasty and mean to people, your popular! No thanks. If thats what it takes to be popular, I'll have none of it! People make me sick sometimes. My friend is not as well to do in money as some of the rest of us are so they tease her and tell her her home stinks, she's a slut, she is ugly, she is stupid etc just because her family doesn't have as much as some families do and when is it ever going to stop? You'd think by 8th grade these little idiots would of grown up by now and stop it but they don't and the sad part is, years later they won't even remember how terrible they made others feel! Disgusting!

All 8th graders. I need answers please?

well the way i feel is your right am in 8th grade and some people just try to be popular and i dont know hwy they just try to be cool that all i can say...

All 8th graders. I need answers please?

Kids like 8th graders are a bunch of immature brats. This a typical middle school drama. This goes the same for high school too... so bare with it until you get out of high school. Some people are more popular over other people because of their reputation in school. Like, if you're extremely friendly to everyone and are involved with lots of clubs and sports in school, you're most likely to be very popular. If you hang out with the popular kids, then you would get noticed too, so you would be popular as well. And if you were the biggest ****** in school, you're popular for being the ****** of the whole school. Dont worry about this popularity crap, its going to be over soon as soon as you graduate.

All 8th graders. I need answers please?

Honestly people are popular mainly because they are goregous, hot and fifthly rich. Its retarded i know. People spread rumors because they have nothing else better to do. Girls hate other girls because maybe they hold a grudge against one of yuor close friends. I believe guys have it easier. Do you see them doing this stuff? No. They just go along with it.

All 8th graders. I need answers please?

I think if there nice people then they probaly r well like and have lots of freinds or the've done crazy stuff or have lots of crushes ,boyfriend, girlfriend ect.

All 8th graders. I need answers please?

well im in 9th grade and we all have our own kind of groups nobody is popular to the whole grade and we still have the stupid girl fights and all that stuff. its mainly b/c girls are more ruthless and get jealous easier so they take action. its nowhere near 7th grade it was horrible but we never really had a popular group in my schools. everyone is just to busy with their own friends to care if the school thinks they are popular or not. and when a few people try they dont get very far. each group kinda has a few leaders and it switches off a lot in my group. and leaders arent really popular they just decide where we go eat at lunch. otherwise nobody is really "popular" they just think they are better then everyone else.

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