Saturday, November 28, 2009

I dont know what to do anymore?

My ex and I broke up like in December but then we got back together in January.We are broken up at this time but we still talk.Just recently I went to go send him a message on his myspace and I basically found out that he had another myspace.I wasnt intending on finding this other one and it suprised me.On his page it has that he has a new gf but they been only going out for 2 weeks and she saying that she loves him.I asked him about it and he said that he started talking to the girl in December when me and him were going out.We were going out for 2 years and it hurts becuz i was asking him was he talking to other gurls.Recently something just happened that brought us even closer to each other becuz it has happened before.We are thinking about getting back together but he wants to do it his way which is waiting a couple of months while he still going out with this other girl.I love him to death but i dont wana wait too long and he starts getting feelings for her

I dont know what to do anymore?

well thats tough well just wait see what happens give him about 2 weeks if he still hasnt get back with you then tell him its over that we'll only stay as friends and see if you could find some one else ok hon good luck

I dont know what to do anymore?

As hard as it is I say get rid of him. I think deep down you know it would be better in the long run too. If he's doing things behind your back he will do it again. Don't allow him to have his cake and eat it too. You are better than that and deserve to be treated better than that!

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