Saturday, November 28, 2009

Im being very close to this guy friend of mine..?

he even kissed me this monday, and everyone thinks we`re a couple, and i guess, i do love him already..we see each other 5 times a week (we`re classmates) he`s very cute..flirts with me a lot, and he even calls me by a pet name..

and now..just now, around a couple of minutes ago, i checked his friendster (kindda like myspace) and saw this girl`s testimonial to him which says "i love you so much and i would never leave you..i miss you! thats all i want to say, see you soon!"

:( i dont know what to do now..i feel so stupid...what am i supposed to do tomorrow?

Im being very close to this guy friend of mine..?

u need 2 ask him abt ur situation.... let him clear things out.

if he's already seeing someone then tell him 2 stop flirting w/u

Im being very close to this guy friend of mine..?

Talk to him

Im being very close to this guy friend of mine..?

Talk to him and get all the answers you need from him. If he avoids eye contact and gets defensive instead of answering your questions, you then proceed to kick him right in the family jewels. Don't blame yourself, its not your fault he's and idiot.

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