Monday, November 30, 2009

Have you ever?

have u ever been in love with a boy/girl from 5 states away?

was it hard to keep in touch with them other than:

myspace, e-mail , phone, or text?

Have you ever?

no i have not but i've known people who have and it never worked out between them so i assume its not the best choice

Have you ever?


Have you ever?

Yup it didn't last...... But I still think of him...

Have you ever?

I'm in love with someone who lives more than 10000km away. He hasn't emailed me today. I imagine he must be having sex with his trainee right now.

Have you ever?

no im english

Have you ever?

Yes, and it is the most frustrating thing in the world. There is nothing you can do except show up at there doorstep.

Have you ever?

When i meet my guy i crush on he was 6 states away. Now he is

2 states away. He is getting closer.

Have you ever?

yes very hard!!! I hate myspace because i can't log in now!!! My computer is acting all gay! but i need to stay focused lol yea actually he was in a different country!

Have you ever?

Actual, real Love? No i haven't. You have listed every communication method except traveling to see the person so I assume you are asking would it be hard to keep seeing them? That would depend on your finances and willingness to travel.

Have you ever?

yes i was in a relationship like that....i was in California and he was in Mississippi that was for almost a year and a half and yes it was hard at first but we got eachothers schedules and called or texted whenever we had free time and we were together for another 4 years when he moved to Californa and then we broke up for other reasons

Have you ever?


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